6 Tips To Protect Your Online Search Privacy

Google, MSN Search, Yahoo!, AOL, and most other search engines collect and store records of your search queries. If these records are revealed to others, they can be embarrassing or even cause great harm. Would you want strangers to see searches that reference your online reading habits, medical history, finances, sexual orientation, or political affiliation? Continue reading

Google And Other Search Engines Are Tracking Your Every Move!

Most of us don’t search for instructions on how to build bombs or uranium enrichment, but if you did out of curiosity would you find a government agent at your doorstep one day? It could happen easier than you think. After all the government has been trying to gain more and more access to private information without having to first obtain search warrants.

Under the mission of “More Precise Ad Targeting” Google has created the most incredible spying machine that has ever existed on the face of the planet. They have recorded everything you have ever searched for and attached it to your IP address. In addition, if you use google adwords, gmail or other personalized services they have also added your complete information profile into the mix. I have been using Google Toolbar, Google Adwords for years and Gmail in the past, so all my online activities are neatly compiled in a Google database somewhere.

My question is: Why do they need to store this information indefinitely? Continue reading