Marvin Gaye – What’s Going On

The above excerpt is taken from a recently released DVD of some of Marvin Gaye’s greatest live performances on TV and film, “Real Thing: In Performance 1964-1981,” This live performance comes from the long out-of-circulation 1973 film, “Save The Children” with James Jamerson on bass. Continue reading

Virginia Tech Killings: Have NBC and the media gone too far this time?

Is it just me or does anyone else think that NBC were wrong to publish the sick portfolio that was sent to them by the Virginia Tech killer in the midst of his killing spree? The images and rambling monologue suffused with paranoia have created a chilling lasting portrait of the killer Cho Seung-Hui, that will stain the memory of all who witnessed it for a very long time.

But does the world need to be haunted by the spectre of this mentally ill individual preparing to kill? Or should we have been protected and not subjected to this? Continue reading

Demos Kratos – An Example of

The following is a courageous example from the 1920s of people power. An example of how public belief and conviction at that time changed the British government’s policy in international affairs. Continue reading

The State of British Democracy

Democracy: The Idea

Deriving from the Greek, Demos Kratos – People Power – Literally, direct self government and decision making by the people.

Today this idea is widely interpretated as indirect or representative democracy, where voters elect representatives to make decisions on their behalf.

Democracy implies varying degrees of people power, participation, representation, responsible government and consent. Democratic participation may take many forms, from voting and standing for political office to meetings, marches, demonstrations, peaceful lawbreaking and violent political opposition. Even riots and terrorist attacks have democratic claims, since they are ‘people power’ in the literal sense – although all states and governments will deny those democratic claims when such activities are directed against them.

Democracy: The Reality Continue reading